Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Tanzania Free methodist bible college

Our Mission
The Tanzania Free Methodist Bible College exists to train Tanzanians for pastoral ministry
The Present…..And Future
Today the Tanzania Free Methodist Bible College has an enrolment of 35 students from more than 30 local churches spread all over the Mara-Serengeti, Mwanza, Tabora, Arusha and Kigoma regions of Tanzania. These students include the Deputy National Superintendent, District Superintendents and Section/Parish leaders. Others are local church pastors, evangelists etc.
The college does not have its own facilities so the Bible school modules are held in Mwanza in rented facilities at Bwiru.

FMBC Programs
In 2002 FMBC launched two programs: a Certificate course for those church ministers who have only primary school education and a Diploma course for those who have high school education. Both programs take four years to complete and they are conducted on a modular system.
In order for one to graduate, a student must take all 48 courses that are offered in the following categories: Biblical studies, Pastoral theology, Church Growth and Development, Theology, Church History, Home and family. In addition, a student must have planted at least two local churches.

Modular System
All courses at FMBC are offered on the modular system, both for convenience of the students, their local churches and to enable FMBC to bring to campus an excellent adjunct faculty to compliment the FMBC teachers who reside in Mwanza.
Each module consists of one hundred and forty hours of classroom instruction, over a four week period, and is followed by three months of practical ministry in a local church as the students take more courses organized by the Theological Education by Extension (TEE) program of the FMCT.

A Word From The Principal

As we take strides into the 21st century, we in Christian training of ministers for this century, find ourselves deeply involved in a battle for this dear country. The only way we can save this nation is by having well-equipped, godly and committed servant ministers of the Word who have a passion for the perishing souls and a zeal for preaching the Gospel that has never been surpassed in the days that have gone by.

I believe that God has placed the FMBC in Tanzania at this particular time in the history of this country to equip these very leaders for such a time as this. The good news is that the church of God will be victorious because the battle belongs to the Lord!

Areas of need
Please pray for the following things, which would greatly enhance the provision of sound training of the students if they were available:
1. Property for building facilities such as classrooms, a library, dormitories, dinning hall, etc
2. Volunteer Teachers for theological courses and English grammar.
3.Library books for Theology and English grammar.

P.O.BOX 1770
Mwanza, Tanzania
Phone: +255282560991
Cell: +255745953089

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