Saturday, February 02, 2008

Finance minister Amos Kimunya appeals to Kenyans in the Diaspora!

By: Agnes Gitau

'We need your help in restoring Kenya, It is when your mother is ailing that you send help, and Kenya is your motherland, and needs you now.'' He said at a press conference. This is what patritism calls for. Hon Amos Kimunya urged Kenyans to continue sending money home as well as lead others in foreign direct investment to the country, saying that the country needs the foreign exchange earned from the diaspora's remittance now.

Travel advisories on Kenya was affecting the nation tourism sector which is left with no option than to lay off staff.

Appealing to the Kenyans in the diaspora he also said he hoped the current talks between the political parties would bear results quickly.He was optimistic the country will rise above the current situation if every Kenyan took up upon self to be part of the peace process.

Elsewhere the Tourism sector appealed for peace, urging Kenyans that for every stone or machete the wielded, it has a direct impact on them, as the world media sent the images accross, discouraging the would be visitors from visiting.

Tribalists on rampage through Kenya's Rift Valley

Despite an agreement between feuding politicians to end weeks of violence, homes and farms in Kenya's Rift have been systematically burned and looted, sending residents fleeing fleeing for cover.

Residents have been dragging belongings behind them, to escape the flames and bloodshed which have been troubling Kikuyu residents of the slum dwellings in the Rift Valley town of Kericho.

Plumes of smoke have also been rising from smouldering homesteads and patches of burning tea plantations around the town.

At least four people have died in flames and fighting in recent days.

Former UN secretary-general Kofi Annan brokered a deal between Kenya's rival parties on Friday to take immediate steps to end the post-election violence.

But the ethnic tensions in Kenya have now reached boiling point and have no given no sign of settling down.

While the standoff over President Mwai Kibaki's disputed December 27th re-election may have been partly resolved, clashes are continuing as gangs with machetes, bows and arrows, spears and clubs take to the streets.

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