Thursday, January 05, 2006

LSFM-Unpleasant News!

This is the LSFM pianist, Yusuph.
At around 9.00 am I received a call on my cell phone as I was taking The FMCT National Superintendent to lead the Annual Conference with the Bishop. The call was from our church pianist, Yusuph. He informed me that he had gone to the LSFM to fine- tune some of the choir songs on the keyboard only to find that our church had been broken into last night. Our amplifier worth US $ 150 and loud speaker worth US $ 130 were stolen. Only the keyboard and the microphone were left there. Maybe that was because the keyboard was too big to go through the opening on top of the church door that the thief/thieves used.

The choir members that have heard this news have vowed not to give into the schemes of the evil one. They will sing with or without instruments and they will still glorify the Lord!

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